The program of the secretariat and the medical record aims to prepare professional cadres specialized in the management of the medical record in practical terms and follow up the records and archiving in modern scientific methods to assist development within health institutions and hospitals by providing services that contribute to improving the administrative level in these institutions and helping health sector employees to manage some services Health, as well as basic services at the core of his specialty.
A graduate who is aware of the principles of the Medical Secretariat and its application.
It applies advanced technology, especially computer and its applications in the health field.
Apply administrative theories and communication theories that serve the health of the individual and society.
Has the capacity to develop health statistics and indicators.
Ability to deal in all circumstances.
The graduate should use the theories, concepts and principles of the secretarial and select the appropriate according to the possibilities
The student's ability to successfully pass all the tests required for employment.
Ability to work independently and within a team.
Ability to initiate and participate in raising the level of health and preventive care.
The administrative offices of the Ministry of Health and the offices of private institutions operating in the medical field
Government hospitals affiliated to the Ministry of Health
Private hospitals
Governmental and private health clinics and centers
Maternal and Child Health Centers for Child and Mirror Health Care